Gival Press is pleased to announce that Barbara Louise Ungar of Saratoga Springs, New York has won the 8th Annual Gival Press Poetry Award for her collection entitled The Origin of the Milky Way.
In addition to winning a cash prize of $1,000.00, Ungar will receive twenty copies of her book after publication, which is due to be released in early fall.
The Origin of the Milky Way was selected anonymously by Donna J. Gelagotis Lee, the winner of the award for the previous year.
Barbara Louise Ungar is the author of Thrift (WordTech Editions, 2005), which was a finalist for the May Swenson Poetry Award, the Tupelo Prize, among several others, and a chapbook Sequel (Finishing Line Press, 2004), which won honorable mention in chapbook competitions at the Center for Book Arts, ByLine Press, and Finishing Line Press, which published it in 2004 as part of the New Women’s Voices series. Her poems have appeared in Salmagundi, The Minnesota Review, The Cream City Review, The Literary Review, and many other publications. She is also the author of a chapbook, Neoclassical Barbara (Angel Fish Press, 1998) and Haiku in English (Stanford Humanities Honors Essay XXI). Born in Worcester, Massachusetts and raised in Minneapolis, Minnesota, she has traveled around the world, and earned degrees from Stanford University, City College and the Graduate Center of the City University of New York. An associate professor of English at the College of Saint Rose in Albany, New York, she lives in Saratoga Springs with her young son Izaak.
The Myth of Photography by Rick Bursky of North Hollywood, California.
History Lessons by Jennifer Pruden Colligan of Nausau, New York.
A Superstitious Atheist by Robert Miltner of Canton, Ohio.
Confluences: Indian Women, Indian Goddesses Poems by Nishi Chawla of Bethesda, Maryland. _____________________________________________________________________________________ Gival Press, LLC ~ An Award-winning Independent Press~ PO Box 3812 ~ Arlington, VA 22203 Tel: 703.351.0079 givalpress@yahoo.com ~ http://www.givalpress.com _____________________________________________________________________________________ Gival Press books are available from Ingram 800.937.8000 & BookMasters 800.247.6553 Amazon.com * BN.com or from the publisher at 866.203.8926 + 7444 # # #