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ArLiJo Features Poets Cliff Browder and Lolette Kuby is currently featuring poets Cliff Browder and Lolette Kuby.


Secrets of wheat Wrens nesting And a small boy Friendly with stars report Theology dissolved In a faint whisper Of wind on water Brooding a ripple or a world.

First appeared in Galley Sail Review. Copyright © 1961 by Clifford Browder.


Clifford Browder is a writer and retired freelance editor living in New York City. His poetry has appeared in Heliotrope, The Main Street Rag, Runes, Snake Nation Review, The Bitter Oleander,, and elsewhere. Excerpts from his long novel Metropolis have been published in New York Stories, Quarter After Eight, and Third Coast. He is also author of two published biographies and a critical study of the French Surrealist poet André Breton.

Your Soup

But where are the carrots? Bright phalluses forged in the netherworld sun?

You must not draw too soon Or wait too long

And where is the salt? The flavorful gold, the licking stone?

Beware unbandaged cuts Pinched or poured it cannot be undone

And where the onion? Solidified tears?

Embracing itself. Unfold it you find Nothing, a socket sans eye

And water? There must be water. Secretly tubed from the top of the mountain?

Mine it like diamonds Wrest it from daybreak

And where is the meat? On its way to you?

The meat is dozing in the sun Swatting flies with its tail

The meat is grazing in the field Running in its own wool

It must be blindfolded and gagged It must be silenced and tamed.

The meat is still eating.

Copyright © 2008 by Lolette Kuby. Your Soup first appeared in The New Laurel Review.


Lolette Kuby, an expat from Cleveland, Ohio, now living in Toronto, holds a Ph.D. from Case Western Reserve University and taught at the Cleveland State University. She now does freelance editing. Her book publications include In Enormous Water; Set Down Here; Inwit (poetry collections); An Uncommon Poet for the Common Man: A Study of Philip Larkin\’s Poetry; and last year a short story collection, Out of Cleveland.

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