Please join us on Thursday, May 5th for a poetry reading in Solidarity with Ukraine. The Reading Is Free, open to the Public.
We are raising money to help the children of Ukraine. Please donate if you can: https://www.unicefusa.org/stories/unicef-children-crossfire-ukraine-crisis/39542?form=FUNCZQQBUQH&fundraiser=NHQWBHJU
Poets who are reading:
Holly Karapetkova, Katherine E. Young, Cathy Hailey, Dan Brady, Sara Burnett,
Robert L. Giron, Chloe Yelena Miller, Miles David Moore, Richard Peabody, Naomi Thiers, & Gregory Luce.
6 PM to 8 PM Arlington Poets in Solidarity with Ukraine Shirlington Library (next to the Signature Theatre)
4200 Campbell Ave.
Arlington, VA 22206