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Chip Livingston\’s Museum of False Starts Is Released

Gival Press is pleased to announce the release of Museum of False Starts by Chip Livingston of New York City.

Livingston’s poetry has been called unique because he writes about his diverse background. Though he lives in New York City, he has Mvskoke ancestral ties and he is a gay poet. The combination of these two has led him to write from a varied place, yet it is accessible to the reader. This is Chip Livingston’s first collection of poetry.

Advance praise: “…Chip Livingston makes the ordinary exotic, erotic and extraordinary.” —Ai

“…Not a false start at all, this first book is a distant drum announcing a fresh vision and an original approach to craft in our poetry.” —Alfred Corn

“All poets must juggle the sacred and profane and each must make some kind of peace with the paradox, fight it, or find a unique road in the up and down. Chip Livingston, in his first book, Museum of False Starts, makes a distinct trail of poems, through Mvskoke ancestral country, through the maze of American myths, through bars and parties at the edge, through disturbance and awe. What an auspicious beginning!” —Joy Harjo

Photo by Nicolás Arellano.

Biography: Chip Livingston’s poems and stories appear widely in literary journals such as New York Quarterly, Ploughshares, Mississippi Review, Cincinnati Review, McSweeney’s, and New American Writing. He has received awards from Native Writers’ Circle of the Americas, AABB Foundation, and Wordcraft Circle of Native Writers and Storytellers. He has taught writing for the University of Colorado, the University of the Virgin Islands, Brooklyn College, and Gotham Writers Workshops. He lives in New York City.

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To order a copy, visit: Museum of False Starts at

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