Gival Press currently has 11 different titles in ebook format for the Kindle and for the Nook.
The Fall 2011 titles include: Fiction:

Gone by Sundown by Peter Leach Winner of the Gival Press Novel Award

Show Up, Look Look by Mark Wisniewski

The Pleasuring of Men by Clifford Browder

The Silent Art by Clifford Bernier Winner of the Gival Press Poetry Award

12: Sonnets for the Zodiac by John Gosslee
Previous releases Fiction:
The Cannibal of Guadalajara by David Winner Winner of the Gival Press Novel Award
That Demon Life by Lowell Mick White Winner of the Gival Press Novel Award
Second Acts by Tim W. Brown Winner of the London Book Festival for Fiction
A Tomb on the Periphery by John Domini
The Refugee by Vladimir Levchev
Psaltery and Serpentines by Cecilia Martinez-Gil Winner of the Gival Press Poetry Award
Click on the link to purchase ebooks: Gival Press Kindle ebooks at
Click on the link to purchase ebooks: Gival Press Nook ebooks at