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"Julia & Rodrigo" by Mark Brazaitis Is Now Available

Mark Brazaitis\’s award-winning novel Julia & Rodrigo which won the Gival Press Novel Award for 2012 has been released.

Author Tony D\’Souza states that \”In Julia & Rodrigo Mark Brazaitis takes Romeo and Juliet and wonders what becomes of impossible love when the lovers cannot simply die. Rendered in swift, elegant prose, his tale of a poor football star and the wealthy girl who loves him turns most painful after the forced parting. Anyone who has loved and lost will recognize the wounds of these doomed, gentle characters. What\’s most tragic, Brazaitis knows, is that in Julia\’s and Rodrigo\’s great love—like the bloody Guatemala Civil War that surrounds it—none can win, and all of it is so unnecessary.\”

Mark Brazaitis is the author of five books of fiction, including The Incurables: Stories, winner of the 2012 Richard Sullivan Prize, from the University of Notre Dame Press. He is also the author of a book of poems, The Other Language, winner of the 2008 ABZ Poetry Prize. A former Peace Corps Volunteer and technical trainer, he currently teaches English and is the former director of the Creative Writing Program at West Virginia University.

Photo of Mark Brazaitis by Sheila Loftus.

Ask for the novel at your bookstore for visit or Gival Press: Julia & Rodrigo for sale at or Gival Press

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