Here is a list of local DC-Area reading / event courtesy of Kim Roberts:
Sunday, Feb. 17, 2008, 4:00 pm Sunday Kind of Love: Reading from Family Pictures Anthology and celebration of African American History Month. Featured readers from the anthology: Kwame Alexander, Darlene Anita Scott, Shana Yarborough, and Katy Richey, with live music. (I will present a short history of the founding of African American History Month by Dr. Carter G. Woodson, and his connection to the U Street neighborhood of DC.) Reading followed by open mic. Busboys and Poets, 14th and V Streets NW, DC. (202) 387-POET. Hosted by Sarah Browning – Free Admission, but donations gratefully accepted.
Wednesday, Feb. 27, 2008, 7:00 pm A Space Inside Reading Series: Vrzhu Press reading, featuring Kim Roberts and Hiram Larew reading from their new books Riverby Books, 417 E. Capitol St. NE, DC. (202) 543-4342. Hosted by Monica Jacobe – Free Admission
Saturday, March 8, 2008, 2:00 pm The Big Read Volunteer Party: Be Part of the Story! Come learn about the over fifty special events taking place in The Big Read 2008, sponsored by the Humanities Council of Washington, and sign up to get involved. Our book this year is F. Scott Fitzgerald\’s The Great Gatsby. Events will include readings, book discussions, films, dance lessons, and guided walking tours. Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library, 901 G St. NW, DC. (202) 387-8391.
Sunday, March 9, 2008, 6:00 pm Iota Poetry Series: Kim and Regie Cabico guest-host a Split This Rock Poetry Reading, sponsored by Beltway Poetry Quarterly, and presented in conjunction with the Split This Rock Poetry Festival special issue of the journal (Vol 9:1, published January 2008). Featured readers Brian Gilmore, Melissa Tuckey, Heather Davis, and Steve Rogers, followed by open mic. Iota Bar and Restaurant, 2832 Wilson Blvd., Clarendon neighborhood, Arlington, VA. (703) 522-8340. Series hosted by Miles David Moore – Free Admission.
Sunday, March 16, 2008, 4:00 pm Sunday Kind of Love Series: Kim and Regie Cabico guest host a Split This Rock Poetry Reading, sponsored by Beltway Poetry Quarterly. Featured readers Winona Addison, Teri Ellen Cross, Yael Flusberg, Tanya Snyder, Dan Vera, Rosemary Winslow, and Kathi Wolfe, followed by open mic. Busboys and Poets, 14th and V Streets NW, DC (202) 387-POET. Series hosted by Sarah Browning – Free Admission, but donations collected.
March 20 through 23, 2008 Split This Rock Poetry Festival. Readings, panels, guided walking tours, films, and more. Featured readers include Jimmy Santiago Baca, Princess of Controversy, Robert Bly, Kenneth Carroll, Grace Cavalieri, Lucille Clifton, Joel Dias-Porter, Mark Doty, Martin Espada, Carolyn Forche, Brian Gilmore, Galway Kinnell, E. Ethelbert Miller, Naomi Shihab Nye, Sharon Olds, Sonia Sanchez, Susan Tichy, Belle Waring. Fee: $75, $40 for students; some scholarships available. Co-sponsoring organizations include Beltway Poetry Quarterly.