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Poetry Workship Offered on Capitol Hill

Tapping Your Creative Well— In 2012!

Here is an opportunity to read poetry, get in touch with your personal Muse, and experiment with new approaches to life and art….

Thursday Evenings January 19 -February 9 Hill Center

Sessions begin with a discussion of a poem written by a well known, contemporary author. You will also have an opportunity to: Enjoy Fun Exercises to help generate poems, which can be read aloud (if you choose) in a supportive atmosphere.

Write poems in voices of cranky relatives or loopy friends, or serious poems in first person—using vivid memories, plus current and future dreams.

Discover the poetry in your name and in the landscape of your life. Experiment with fresh, creative ways of thinking by tapping your creative well. Please bring 10 copies of a favorite poem by another poet or info about one you would like to write to the first class.

Teacher: PATRICIA GRAY, Author of Rupture: poems, and many anthologized poems

Time: 6:30 PM to 9:00 PM, 4 sessions.

Proficiency Level: Beginner/Intermediate

Place: The Hill Center, 921 Pennsylvania Ave., SE—near Eastern Market Metro

Remaining Spaces 10 (on January 3, 2012)

Register via: For Information: e-mail or the workshop leader at

∞∞ In Cooperation with The Writer’s Center, Bethesda, Maryland ∞∞

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