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Prosody in England and Elsewhere: A Comparative Approach

If you love poetry or are a poet who doesn\’t quite understand the patterns used in poetic forms, Prosody in England and Elsewhere: A Comparative Approach is the perfect learning tool to keep close to your vest. There\’s no harm in cherishing and keeping a rich source of information a secret but after you read this book you will want to share the knowledge.

Making the various rather complicated poetic forms easily understood to the general reader is not an easy task, but Leonardo Malcovati takes the concept of prosody or the sounds of poetry and makes it clear and enjoyable reading. In a rather quick yet comprehensive manner, Malcovati covers over twenty verse forms not to mention rhyme, alliteration, and classical poetry. Going even further, Malcovati provides examples in French, Provencal, Spanish, Italian, Gascon, Galician, and Nordic with English translations.

Once a poet has the wealth of information in this collection under control, one would certainly be ready to use the text to teach poetic forms to poets who just don\’t quite get all this prosody stuff.

The book is available at, click here to purchase a copy: Prosody in England and Elsewhere: A Comparative Approach

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