Interested in Learning How to Write Creatively Spring 2009 Registration Honors Program Montgomery College—Takoma Park/Silver Spring HP251WA-35444 The Creative Process in Writing A Tutorial for 1 to 8 Students Montgomery College
Day and Time: To Be Announced, Depending upon Who Enrolls and the Schedules of Everyone Involved Place: SN220 (Honors Suite)
This is a special tutorial for honors students who have a GPA of at least 3.2 and 12 credit hours, including the equivalent of EN101.
The course is a tutorial that will focus on the creative process of writing, including but not limited to letters, essays, poems, short stories, etc. Students will be given exercises and will discuss their work in a workshop environment whereby other students and the professor will provide feedback and suggestions on how to improve the written work.
For further information please contact: Robert L. Giron Professor of English and Poet/Writer/Editor (240) 257-1379, Fine Arts 215 Visit his website: