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The Lastest Postings of Events/Readings from Beltway Poetry Quarterly

Thankfully to Kim Roberts, editor of Beltway Poetry Quarterly, we have the following announements:

POETRY NEWS: December 2007 NEW RELEASES Broadkill Review, Vol. 1, No. 6, November 2007. Edited by James C. L. Brown. Contributors include: Martin Galvin, Sid Gold, Sarah Browning, Ernie Wormwood. Also features a special section on the Dogfish Head Poetry Prize winners, awarded annually at the Milton Poetry Festival, and whose winning chapbooks are published by Bay Oak Publishers, with features on James Keegan, Emily Lloyd, Michael Blaine and Scott Whitaker. Subscription and info at:

Gargoyle, Issue 52 (audio CD). Produced by Richard Peabody. Contributors include: Silvana Straw, Neelam Patel, Jonathan Vaile, Venus Thrash.

If Poetry Journal, Issue #1, 2007.Edited by Donald Illich. Contributors include: Grace Cavalieri, Joshua Gottlieb-Miller, Michael Gushue, Reb Livingston, Gregory Luce, Tom Orange, Kim Roberts, J.D. Smith, and Doug Wilkinson.

Not Just Air, Issue #7: Earth, Fire and Water. Edited by Parris Garnier and Christina Wos Donnelly. Contributors include: Elisavietta Ritchie, Cliff Bernier, Hiram Larew, Lyn Lifshin, Kim Roberts. Spotlight on Patricia Davis. Deja Vu section includes short fiction by Jean Toomer. Plus audio files and Landsat photos of Earth.

Electric Grace: Still More Fiction by Washington Area Women, ed. Richard Peabody (short fiction, Paycock Press). Contributors include: Maxine Clair, Rosie Dempsey, Jamie Holland, Eugenia SunHee Kim, Joanne Leedom-Ackerman, Faye Moskowitz, Jessica Neely, Sheila Walsh, Christy J. Zink.

The Bedside Guide to No Tell Motel – Second Floor, ed. Reb Livingston and Molly Arden (No Tell Books). Contributors include: Deborah Ager, Sandra Beasley, Jill Alexanxder Essbaum, Julie R. Enszer, Piotr Gwiazda, Donald Illich, Cheryl Pallant, Shann Palmer, Kim Roberts, Carly Sachs.

COMPETITIONS, GRANTS and CALLS FOR ENTRY Gival Press Poetry Award. Open to all national and international poets writing in English (no translations). Mss. of 45 typed pages or longer eligible. Winner receives book publication and $1,000, plus standard book contract. $20 entry fee; deadline Dec.15. Gival Press, PO Box 3812, Arlington, VA 22203.

Pretend Genius press announces a call for short fiction for the 2008 Willesden Herald International Short Story Prize, adjudicated by Zadie Smith. Open to all, free to enter. Pretend Genius will publish an anthology of 10 winning stories, New Short Stories 2, in 2008. Deadline: Dec. 24. Required entry form and full guidelines:

The Library of Congress Poetry at Noon series is looking for poems on \”Fathers and Daughters,\” which will be presented at noon on Tuesday, March 18, 2008. Poets should send three of their own poems and two by other poets on the father-daughter theme. Deadline: Dec. 31. Mail to Patricia Gray, Poetry and Literature Center, 101 Independence Ave. SE, Washington, D.C. 20540-4861. For further information: 202-707-5394.

Split This Rock Poetry Festival calls poets to a greater role in public life and fosters a national network of activist poets. Building the audience for poetry of provocation and witness from our home in the nation’s capital, we celebrate poetic diversity and the transformative power of the imagination. The Festival takes place March 20-23, 2008. Split this Rock invites proposals for panel discussions and workshops on a range of topics at the intersection of poetry and social change. Possibilities are endless. Challenge us. Let’s talk about craft, let’s talk about mentoring young poets, let’s talk about working in prisons, connecting with the activist community, sustaining ourselves in dark times, the role of poetry in wartime. Deadline extended to January 1, 2008. Download the form here:

Reginald S. Tickner Writing Fellowship in any genre: fiction, poetry, playwrighting, or creative non-fiction. Gilman School, an independent boys\’ school with coordinated classes with our sister schools, Bryn Mawr School & Roland Park Country School, will continue to sponsor a writer-in-residence position for the \’08-\’09 academic year. Responsibilities include teaching one class in creative writing, directing a speakers\’ series, advising the literary magazine, & working one-to-one with students on their writing. Salary: $30,000, plus full benefits package. To apply: send c.v., cover letter, three confidential letters of recommendation or dossier, & a sample of published writing to: Dr. Meg Tipper, Director, Writing Center, Gilman School, 5407 Roland Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21210. Firm deadline for receipt of all materials is January 8.

Split This Rock Poetry Contest. Winners recieve $500, $300, and $200 awards plus free festival admission. Top winner will be invited to read during the festival and their poem will be published on the festival website. Kyle G. Dargan, Judge. Submit up to 3 unpublished poems (no more than 6 pages total) on themes of politics and political engagement (interpreted broadly, see web site for more information). $20 reading fee benefits the festival (checks made out to \”IPS/Split This Rock\”). Postmark deadline: Jan. 15, 2008.

Hurston-Wright Award for College Writers, for fiction by students of African descent enrolled full-time (grad or undergrad) in any college or university in the US. Awards of $1,000/$500/$500 for best previously unpublished short story or novel excerpt. Send 2 copies, typed, double-spaced, 12 point font, up to 20 pages with completed application and $10 reading fee. Deadline: Jan. 15.

Andres Montoya Poetry Prize. Open to Latino/a poets who have not had a book professionally published (authors of chapbooks and self-published works are eligible). No entry fee. Submit 2 copies of book manuscript of 50-100 pages of original poetry in English (no translations). Winner receives $1,000 and publication by the University of Notre Dame Press. Deadline: Jan. 15. Francisco Aragón, Coordinator, Institute for Latino Studies, 230 McKenna Hall, Univ. of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556.

Moving Words Adult Poetry Competition. Poets who live, work, or study in Arlington, VA are invited to submit poems of 10 lines or less. Winning poets published on large posters, displayed on public Metro buses. Deadline: Jan. 18.

Poetry Society of Virginia Annual adult and student contests. Many categories and prizes; over $3,000 total prizes awarded. Fees charged. Deadline: Jan. 19.

Potomac Review annual Poetry Contest. Prizes: $250 and publication in jounal/$150 and publication on website. Send up to 3 typed, unpublished poems in blind format (cover letter with contact info) with SASE. $20 fee includes subscription to journal. Deadline: Feb.1. Potomac Review, Montgomery College, 51 Mannakee St., Macklin Tower Room 212, Rockville, MD 20850.

Not Just Air seeks submmissions on the theme \”Pregnant.\” Accepts poetry, flash fiction, creative nonfiction and essays, reviews, 5-minute plays, multimedia, translations. Previously published OK if work does not appear elsewhere on the web. Deadline: February 1. See full guidelines:

WORKSHOPS, EXHIBITIONS, AND SPECIAL EVENTS The Folger Shakespeare Library offers a workshop for students. \”Shakespeare\’s Sisters\” is a 9-week seminar for students in grades 10-12 from the DC region. Meets Wednesdays, 4-6 pm, from Jan. 23 through March 19. Free admission to those selected. The group reads and discusses poems by British and American women poets from the mid-16th century to the present, explores poems about women (written by men), and writes and shares poems of their own. No previous writing experience necessary. Deadline: Dec. 14.

Monthly Poetry Workshop at Shirlington Library, Wednesday, December 19 at 6:30 pm. Free. Meets the third Wednesday of each month, with a different theme for each workshop, and quarterly guest writers to lead the group. No reservations needed. Arlington Public Library, Shirlington Branch, 4200 Campbell Ave., Arlington, VA. (703) 228-6545.

Jenny McKean Moore Free Community Writing Workshop at the George Washington University, led by Ryan G. Van Cleave. Meets Wednesdays, 7-9 pm, January through April 2008. No academic qualifications or publications needed to apply. Beginning and intermediate writers will find this workshop most beneficial. The class will focus on reading poetry by established writers and roundtable critiques of work submitted by class members. To apply, submit a brief biographical statement with contact information, a statement of interest, outlining your writing history and motivations for taking the course, 6-10 pages of your best original poetry. Deadline for receipt of applications: Dec. 20. Poetry Workshop, Dept. of English, GW University, 801 22nd St. NW, Ste. 760, Washington, DC 20052.

AWP Conference, New York. Hilton New York and Sheraton New York Hotels, Jan. 30 – Feb. 2. Readings, panels, book signings, book fair.

The Writers\’ Center Winter Workshops. Most begin in February; registration now open. Fees charged. Instructors include: Reuben Jackson, Nan Fry, Jean Nordhaus, Rod Jellema, Kenny Carroll.

AREA READINGS and PERFORMANCES December 1 Opening reception for \”Tres Raices\” exhibit and poetry reading by Naomi Ayala, Darry Strickland, and Sami Miranda. Music by Pepe Gonzalez and JB Sotomayor. Paintings and sculpture by Lazaro Batista, Ronald Chacon, Samuel Miranda, Luis Peralta, and Wilfredo Valladares. Saturday, 4:00 pm Free. Art and Media House, Galeria Uno, 3035 15th St. NW, DC. (202) 319-7312.

December 2 Susan Muaddi Darraj and Angela Leone read fiction Sunday, 2:00 pm Free. The Writers Center, 4508 Walsh St., Bethesda, MD (301) 654-8664.

December 3 Dana Gioia Monday, 6:30 pm Free. Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library, 901 G St. NW, Great Hall, DC. (202) 727-2122.

December 3 Cafe Muse: reading from Echoes: An Anthology of Prince George\’s Poets, edited by Foretine Bynum and Hiram Larew, featuring J. Joy Matthews Alford, Steve M. Butler, Spencer L. Duffy, and Susan Levy, plus classical guitar by Michael Davis and open mic. Monday, 7:00 pm Free. Friendship Heights Village Center, 4433 S. Park Ave., Chevy Chase, MD. (301) 581-9439.

December 4 Poetry at Noon Series: A Sampling of South Carolina Poets, featuring Marjory Wentworth, John Lane, Susan Meyers, and Carol Ann Davis Tuesday, Noon Free. Library of Congress, 101 Independence Ave. SE, James Madison Blg., Mary Pickford Theater, 3rd floor, DC. (202) 707-5394.

December 4 Visiting poets from South Carolina: Carol Ann Davis, Kwame Senu Neville Dawes, Linda Annas Ferguson, Susan Meyers and Marjory Wentworth Tuesday, 7:30 pm Free. The Writer\’s Center, 4508 Walsh St., Bethesda, MD (301) 654-8664.

December 5 Intersections series: featured poets Bettina Judd and Carrie Addington, plus discussion, live music, and open mic. Hosted by Fred Joiner. Wednesday, 7:30 pm $2 suggested donation. Honfleur Gallery, 1241 Good Hope Rd. SE, DC. (202) 889-5000 x141.

December 5 HearArts: poetry and music, followed by open mic. Hosted by Philip Wexler. Wednesday, 7:30 PM Free. VisArts, 155 Gibbs St., Rockville, MD (301) 315-8200.

December 6 James Tate and Jorie Graham Wednesday, 6:45 pm Free. Library of Congress, 101 Independence Ave. SE, James Madison Blg., Mumford Room, 6th floor, DC. (202) 707-5394.

December 6 Faculty and Alumnus Reading, featuring Howard Norman, Stanley Plumly, and Kevin Craft Wednesday, 7:00 pm Free. University of Maryland, McKeldin Library, Special Events Room #6137, College Park, MD. (301) 405-3809.

December 9 Nine on the Ninth Series: featured reader TBA, followed by open mic. Hosted by Derrick Weston Brown. Sunday, 9:00 pm $3 Admission. Busboys and Poets, 14th & V Streets NW, DC. (202) 387-POET.

December 9 Iota Poetry Series: Sarah Browning and Rosemary Winslow. Followed by open mic. Sunday, 6:00 pm Free. Iota Cafe and Club, 2832 Wilson Blvd., Clarendon neighborhood, Arlington, VA. (703) 522-8340 or (703) 256-9275.

December 10 Emily Dickinson Birthday Tribute Reading: Richard Howard Monday, 7:30 pm $12 Admission. Folger Shakespeare Library, 201 E. Capitol St. SW, DC. (202) 544-7077.

December 11 Password Project: a writers\’ and visual artists\’ collaboration via the web involving 40 artists from more than a dozen nations. Exhibition (in projected digital form) and live reading by Daniel Thomas Moran, Walter Holbling, and Gabriele Potscher Tuesday, 6:30 pm Free. Goethe Institute, 812 7th St. NW, Chinatown neighborhood, DC. RSVP to: (202) 289-1200, ext. 162.

December 12 Brookland Reading Series Wednesday, 7:00 pm Free. Brookland Visitor\’s Center, 3420 9th St. NE, DC. (202) 526-1632.

December 13 Laura Brown and Miles David Moore Thursday, 7:00 pm Free. Takoma Park Community Center, 7500 Maple Ave., Takoma Park, MD. (301) 891-7224.

December 13 Cheryl\’s Gone Reading Series: Open Mic with guest host Richard Hanks Thursday, 8:00 pm Free. Big Bear Cafe, 1st and R Streets NW, DC. (202) 470-5543.

December 16 Sunday Kind of Love, Heather Davis and Mike Maggio, followed by open mic. Sunday, 4:00 pm Free. Busboys & Poets, 14th and V Streets NW, U Street neighborhood, DC. (202) 387-POET.

December 19 Poesis Series: Mary Sherman Willis and Paul Hopper, with live music by Shep Williams and James \”Curly\” Robinson. Hosted by Cliff Bernier. Wednesday, 7:00 pm Free. Pentagon City Borders, 1201 S. Hayes Street, Pentagon City neighborhood, Arlington, VA. (703) 418-0166.

December 19 Intersections series: readings, discussion, live music, and open mic. Hosted by Fred Joiner. Wednesday, 7:30 pm $2 suggested donation. Honfleur Gallery, 1241 Good Hope Rd. SE, DC. (202) 889-5000 x141.

December 19 Mothertongue Wednesday, 9:00 pm $5 Admission. The Black Cat, 1811 14th St. NW, DC. (202) 726-1821.

December 20 Cheryl\’s Gone Reading Series: Hosted by Joe Hall. Thursday, 8:00 pm Free. Big Bear Cafe, 1st and R Streets NW, DC. (202) 470-5543.

***PLEASE NOTE: Open mic events are not listed on this page. Please see our full listing of Reading Series for more information***

Information subject to change. Please call in advance to confirm events. To get your event listed, send complete information during the month prior to

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