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  • Writer's picturekensch88

Virginia, There Still Is Democracy in the USA

Per AP and NBC, Jim Webb has just been declared the winner of the Virginia Senate race which now gives the Democrats control of not only the House of Representatives but now also the Senate. With slightly over 7,000 votes, it is unlikely George Allen will come up from behind.

And so we now have Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. The third person in power in this country is now a woman. We also have 16 women in the Senate. May these women keep the men on target and corruption free.

I have to say that the 2006 Election has restored my belief in our democratic system. Unfortunately the last two national elections, along with Bush\’s uncontrolled power and arrogance, slowly began to dismantle my faith in our elections to the point that I was not sure this election was not going to be filled with irregular cases and possible calls of fraud.

So Carl Rove, \”The Math\” you spoke of is not anything of value in the reality of \”legitimate elections.\” Thank God Americans have caught on to your tactics.

In short, I am relieved that the American people have finally woken up to the nonsense and corruption we have had to endure when the Republicans took over in 1994.

As the saying goes, all good as well as bad things must come to an end.

Now we must not allow the Democrats to lower their standards while we begin to take this country in a different direction.

I am also relieved that President Bush has begun to pay attention and listen to the American people. So long Rumsfeld! Now who will be next?

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